Divemaster and Research diver internship in Nusa Penida

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

Growing up in Philippines, I would say I’m lucky to be surrounded by nature and different bodies of water. I have witnessed how our seas flourished and how it eventually declined. Given the situation, I know there are a lot of factors that play behind all this things that contributes to this sad changes. So when I started diving, I made it sure that I also dive for a purpose.

Just like Philippines, Indonesia is part of the coral triangle. Going to Nusa Penida feels like going home as well but in a different pair of eyes and choosing Indo Ocean Project to do my DMT is a no brainer because along with the rigid yet fun DM training, you’ll also be equipped with enough knowledge to help them conduct their marine conservation programs. I was a rescue diver when I started so it took me 8 weeks to finish the whole program and I can say that every single day is packed with activities that fuels the fire of my own motivation for conservation. Although it can be physically tiring at times but I never felt overwhelmed at all.

I have met great instructors such as Mette and Anne that are well knowledgeable with their passion to marine conservation and Science of diving. There is also Rinaldi, the “science guy”, a marine biologist and a nerd that I look up to! He’s not only book smart but he is also witty and fun. He will never turn you away if you have questions about species and random things you find underwater! I also love our dear Arya whose sweetness and kindness goes a long way! He’s also a very good mentor, he will explain things for you and will motivate you to become a better diver. I’m also honoured to have met Michaela and Lauren along the way. The reeflex dive shop staffs are also helpful and accommodating!

Personally, I felt like I finished the program with just a blink of an eye. Time flew so quick and it felt like I’ve woken up from a very nice dream. I always find myself mentally travelling back to those memories even if I’m back here in the UK.That’s how great this internship is! I’m proud to have been part of this team. These memories and training will be a huge factor to help me apply the skills when I come back to Philippines. Thank you for the opportunity. Sampai jumpa lagi!

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