A summer in Siena

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

I had a wonderful experience in Siena. I lived with a home stay family and my host was Stella. Stella was amazing and like a mother to me. I had a roommate from my college also and we became best friends. My roommate and me would travel together on the weekends. We would attend class Monday through Thursday in the afternoons and had Friday off to allow a long weekend for travel! We made it to Florence, Rome, and Naples/amalfi coast areas. My classes were fun and I love my teachers. The director of my program was so helpful and I loved getting to talk with we about her Italian experiences. I was surprised by how much free time I had during the week. I spent many afternoons in the medieval fortress park studying and enjoying the beautiful views is Siena. It truly was the best summer of my life and I would do anything I go back.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed