Spring 2013 Semester in Prague

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

During my spring 2013 semester, I studied photography with CET's program in Prague. What I really loved and appreciated was the small scale of the class sizes, and the individual attention we received from our professors and mentors. It was great that they also gave us the freedom to create photographs in the specific style we were drawn to, rather than following a strict set of assignment guidelines. I had the opportunity to experiment extensively in the darkroom with alternative photographic processes that led me to explore new ways of developing my artistic practice.

CET accommodated their students wonderfully, housing us in spacious apartments, and making sure our transition to the new country went as smoothly as possible. They hosted many events and dinners so we could all get acquainted with each other, and implemented a great "Czech Buddy" system - where local Czech students lived with CET students and helped them adjust to their new environment, as well as where to go to have fun.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed