Prague really is the most beautiful city in the world

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

What I loved most about the program was that CET emphasized immersion and experiential learning, by providing Czech roommates for each apartment, the opportunity to volunteer at a local organization through a service learning course, and a traveling seminar to Poland, Austria, and Hungary. I was able to witness firsthand what I learned in my classes about the Jewish history of Central and Eastern Europe and minority issues in contemporary Czech society by attending services with Prague's Jewish community, traveling to Auschwitz and taking Jewish tours of other cities in the region, and visiting local NGOs. Through the service learning class, I volunteered with an organization that does research about the Holocaust and even had the opportunity to interview a Holocaust survivor. I also loved the challenge of learning the Czech language. My Czech class even took field trips to restaurants and a Christmas market to practice!

I fell in love with everything about Prague: the cobblestone streets, the Vltava River, the plaques dedicated to writers on almost every street (Czechs are very proud of their intellectual and cultural history!), and goulash and dumplings. By the end of the program, the city really started to feel like home. I would highly recommend anyone interested in Jewish Studies, Religious Studies, History, or Europe in general to consider this program. The CET staff was very supportive throughout the semester and provided us with tons of opportunities to make the most of the experience.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed