Loving living in France

Impact: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Value: 3
Safety: 5

I had a wonderful time in France becoming fully immersed in the language, the culture and the family I stayed with during my time there. I got to meet many people outside the family as well and had plenty of opportunities to practice my French. My favorite parts of the homestay were the lesson preparation (for three different children), the individual lessons with each of them, and getting to know each of the children I taught. I had time on my own during the days when they were in school to plan lessons, explore the town I lived in and also to go to a nearby larger city and explore. I added extra time before my stay with the family to adjust to jet lag and to explore Paris. At the end of my stay I did some sightseeing along the Mediterranean (Nice, etc.).
I would recommend this experience to anyone interested as I felt very safe and very welcomed by the family I stayed with. They even took me with them on vacation and we had a wonderful time.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed