The Best Chinese Immersion Program

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Housing: 5
Value: 5

I really enjoyed the time I went to Shanghai, China with Go Abroad China. The teachers are highly motivated, helpful and good at activating the students when in class. Classes are kept small so you get to practice speaking the language a lot.
Besides, the Go Abroad China Team is so helpful and warmhearted. They arranged so many fun activities during my spare time. I would strongly advise future students to make the most of their trip and be open-minded. I was able to take part in some activities arranged by Go Abroad China. We explored places I thought I never would have been able to visit. The excursions allowed me to discover new perspectives and how people from different cities can differ so much. Studying abroad is all about new experiences and trying new things. Although it may be tempting and easier to stay with the same people and find activities similar to those in my home country, it is more enlightening and exciting to completely immerse yourself in another culture. Discover how another country functions and learn their history.

For me, it met and exceeded my expectations, I can't really say how I have improved in my Chinese language and culture, I've got nothing to compare it to, I've never had an experience like this before!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed