The Best Week Ever

Housing: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Like the Drake song this is the best I ever had. Highlights for me were the boat cruise around Sydney Harbor, Sandboarding and hiking at Base Camp, the dolphin cruise and the party bus! Having seen the Opera House on the first day, to then sail around it blasting music on a catamaran on the second day in the beautiful Sydney sunshine the week started off on a high. The third day sent us up the coast to Port Stephens where we stayed in a fantastic rustic hostel, complete with its own kangaroo!!! After a party on the beach we woke up to adventure day, doing everything from sand-boarding to surfing to hiking to a full on Aussie barbecue for dinner!! The staff were excellent, the plan was non-stop and I met friends I have since traveled with on further adventures. Having a final kick off on a party bus around Sydney as the last big night was epic. Friends made, fun had, if I could I'd do it again and again and again!!

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Year Completed