One word - WOW!

Housing: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 4

It's so hard to choose what my favourite part was ... I loved the sand boarding at base camp, and we saw so many dolphins on the dolphin cruise! One big highlight for me was meeting Josie, the resident kangaroo where we stayed in Port Stephens ... not many people can say they've got a selfie with a kangaroo! The Bondi to Coogee walk was awesome too! Jeff and Evie, our tour guides, were so great and crazy fun! We did all the fun stuff, but they helped me set up a bank account and a tax file number too, I had such a great start to my Oz trip with these guys that I've decided I never want to leave! My only complaint is that it had to end!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed