NGO Volunteer in Ho Chi Minh City

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I volunteered in Ho Chi Minh City for one month in an NGO specialized on public health matters, especially HIV/AIDS among stigmatized populations such as LGBT, migrant workers or female sex workers. My duties mainly consisted in drafting training material about Vietnamese Labour Law reform, organizing some English teaching lessons, for the staff, drafting a research proposal about how to tackle HIV in LGBT population efficiently and at a cheap cost.

I clearly had one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of my life, as I had to work in a foreign environment and had to submit proposals before a certain deadline. I really enjoyed the fact that UBELONG could appoint me to an organization for which I could use my scholar and Professional background to carry out my duties. The range of opportunities is really wide and everybody should find the program that fits the best.

UBELONG provides you some support, via the mentor, throughout your mission and it feels really comfortable to always have an interlocutor with whom you can share your experience and ask for help or support, if needed.

In the end, I urge everybody that want to use his/her university skills to apply for the NGO program because it is at the same time challenging for you in so far as it develops your Professional / contextual skills and it really helps the NGO. You feel you make a real impact!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed