GE D.C Review

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

My personal experience with Global Experience's Washington, D.C program was incredible to say the least. I worked for a company that shared my views and welcomed my input from day one. Global Experiences did a wonderful job matching me with an employer and I am still in contact with my advisor(s) to this day. The connections I was able to make in D.C were outstanding! I met Harriet Fulbright, employees of numerous non-profit and educational agencies, and on one special occasion, even Hillary Clinton! Networking in D.C is unlike anything I have ever experienced and Global Experience staff nurtured the relationships I made along the way.

As a student, the transition from going to classes a few hours a day to working full time was really difficult for the first few days, but after I was able to get used to the atmosphere and really make an effort to make myself useful in my workplace, I was able to take on tasks that made my days go by quickly and made me feel valued as an individual. During my internship I facilitated chapter relations, developed spreadsheets based on research, completed a diversity initiative, managed member interviews for a newsletter, created flyers and posters, submitted writing samples, and more!

If you are looking for an unforgettable summer in a culture-rich, lively city, I would highly recommend Global Experiences internships in Washington, D.C.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would