Bad experience in France

Impact: 1
Support: 1
Fun: 1
Value: 1
Safety: 1

My daughter was supposed to stay two months, June and July and to tutor brother and sister in a small town Lege Cap Ferret in South France. But she stayed only one month and a half.

My daughter is responsible, mature, friendly and has great personality. She is 18 years old University student. Her family was nice (father, mother and host-brother), but host-sister who is 16 was NOT nice at all. My daughter put all her heart and soul into tutoring, but she didn't get appreciation back from her host-sister. Host-sister was rude, impolite, spoiled, with extreme mood swings (puberty?), treated my daughter with disrespect and ignored my daughter whenever they were in company with others.

My daughter felt very lonely and sad. She spent almost all her time in her room, trying to avoid bad treatment from host-sister. My daughter went through enormous emotional trauma and cried every day. She kept evrything inside, but when her distress reached boiling point, she finaly told us and my husband and I immediately get her a new air ticket to return home. So we almost doubled our expenses.

Coordinator in France was useless.

I don't saythat you will get the family like this in case you choose homestay tutoring. You might be lucky and get a decent family. But don't forget that you might experience the same type of host-sister (or another family member) if you plunge into this kind of adventure. If you want to visit foreign country, better go as a tourist, or enroll language course.

I cannot forgive myself for ruining my daughter's summer vacation.

Would you recommend this program?
No, I would not
Year Completed