FIE London, A Safe, Reliable Program To Launch A Semester Of A Lifetime

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I came from a military family and never got to see anything besides the East Coast of the U.S. I always had a urge to see the world and the people that also call it home. London was the city that crammed with more of the world than any other. FIE London made my accommodation and experience in this city incredible.

Many study abroad organizations are new and are thrown together to catch a growing wave of international student travel. You often hear of disaster experiences with study abroad programs that ruined the entire trip for students. FIE has been doing this for awhile and it was apparent for me in how well the operation was run.

Quick tips for London study:

- don't buy anything the semester before, become a hermit
- understand the program can offer you opportunities but it's on you to grab them and turn them into memories and experience
- budget, budget
- if you aren't sure, reach out to alumni. nearly all will be very willingly tell you about the experience, long as you're prepared for an ear full

The Experience:

The classes were held in the elegant and very safe neighborhood of South Kensington, right down the road from the (free!) Natural History Museum. This was a wild contrast from the North Philadelphia ghetto my school was located in.

We spent Monday - Wednesday studying British Media with professionals who have worked for organizations like the BBC and Al Jazeera. I took a travel writing class that involved field trips to London's hidden gems and writing about our travel experiences. Thursdays and Fridays were dedicated to internships if you choose that option.

What I liked most was seeing the complexity of the international world. A evening travel across the city can expose you two dozens of different languages and pass you by businesses, franchises and brands owned by nationalities from all corners of the global.

In all it's a special experience full of thrills and adventure. FIE acts as the perfect home base for your British/European expedition.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed