Livingstone Teaching & Community Project

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Volunteering with African Impact in Livingstone was an amazing experience. I had great expectations about the trip, and these were exceeded! Volunteering in the teaching and community project was a perfect way to be involved with the local people and see many aspects of their daily lives in Livingstone. I taught in a grade six class every morning during the week, and then in the afternoons we were assigned in groups to different projects, such as farming, reading club, or playing games with the elderly at the Maramba Old People's Home. Something I had not expected so much was the social life outside of the volunteer projects. Some of us would go play volleyball with the locals every Tuesday and Thursday, and socialize during Happy Hour on Fridays, with some dancing to follow at one of the local bars! We also were able to visit Victoria Falls in the evenings or weekends, and a group of us also went on an overnight safari trip to Botswana. And I cannot forget walking with the lions at the Lion Encounter! I will never forget my experience in Livingstone, especially the children and the people, who all open their hearts to you. I cannot wait to return one day!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed