My experience so far (2 months in)

Housing: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Value: 3
Safety: 5

I couldn't have been placed with a better family - they are perfect for me. I like the area I live in, the only thing that could be improved is if there was another au pair living nearby.

The tasks I have to do are taking my child to and from school, then playing games with them after school (in English), talking with them, reading to them, or listening to them read, and making sure she practises piano and does her homework. We also go swimming at weekends.

My highlights are spending time with the child I look after, as she makes me laugh so much and we get on very well. I love it when she runs up to me when I wait for her after school, and sometimes she holds me hand which I think is very sweet. She also says she wants to keep in touch via Skype when I'm gone.

I get on very well with my host parents. My host mum can speak English and she never gives up speaking in English even though it would be easier for her to speak in Chinese and have her child translate. My host dad doesn't speak English, but we still get along just fine. They look after me and they care for me, and I care about them and I care about their child. I'm so happy that I will hopefully be a good memory for them once I leave.

NB - I am yet to complete my 6 month program. I will complete it in March 2015.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed