Great time in Guatemala

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

This was one of the most amazing 10 weeks I have been through. Every person I met, every experience, every day brought something new. I can’t stress how much this experience honestly changed my life. I’ve always wanted to travel and I finally got the chance and took it through ABV. It was well worth it.
The Host Family and the students (both local and otherwise) who were living with were all incredible. As far as actual security in the city, I was blown away. I never really felt threatened or in danger. I was certainly smart, kept to main streets and where people were, but not overly scared to walk alone or anything like that.
Don’t be afraid to open up. This may mean to the clinical staff or to yourself. I forged what I think could easily be lifelong friendships with many of the staff in the clinic. They will always have a place in my  heart and its almost certainly likewise for them. In terms of yourself, be willing to go and travel, even if on your own, and meet new people. Everyone in Guatemala, locals, travelers, and transplants, are some of the most amazing people I have ever met and will likely meet. With a simple conversation with someone and your almost guaranteed to learn something new or find something in common.
Going out dancing with all of the nurses and my friend volunteer Patricia. It was always just sooooo much fun to hang out with the staff and the fellow volunteers and dancing La Paranda with them was jut that much more fun.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed