Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Housing: 5
Safety: 4

I studied abroad from December 26th, 2013 through January 13th, 2014. I had been dreaming of studying abroad in Costa Rica since 8th grade. Six years later, my dreams came true! I loved that all of the excursions and meals were included. My host mom was nice and helpful. She was accommodating to special diets. However, I definitely overpacked. Pack light! My host mom did my laundry about twice a week, so I had plenty of clothes. Unfortunately, my luggage was lost by the airport, so I was in a foreign country for the first time without any clothes or toiletries for four days. Do not forget to pack a carry-on bag with extra clothes! My study abroad program director was extremely helpful though. She rode the bus with me to the airport to try to talk to security and Spirit Airlines. My program director also went to Walmart with me to buy new clothes and basic essentials until my luggage was returned to me. I really appreciated all of her support. It was a stressful situation and prevented me from fully enjoying my first few days in Costa Rica. I took a three credit Latin American Civilization class. My class consisted of four other students. I really liked that it was small and personable. Some of the excursions included a visit to the Toucan Rescue Ranch, an authentic Costa Rican cooking class, La Fortuna, Hot Springs and Arenal Volcano. From this excursion, I gained a better insight into how to relate with people that are different from me, which is a skill that is definitely useful in life and applicable to almost any career.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed