It is what you make it

Academics: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Housing: 4
Safety: 4

This program was a spectacular way to get a taste test of countries all around the world. We didn't stay in one place long enough to really get know it, but it was definitely enough to get a feel for it and to leave with a knowledge of what areas in the world you would want to return to.
Anyone with an adventurous spirit and a curious demeanor about the world and the cultures that make it up will love this.
You will quickly learn if you have stronger land legs or sea legs. I had the former, which meant I had to readjust when hopping back on the ship but was totally fine stepping off of it. I knew I had a history of motion sickness (even on trains, and I can't read in the car), but that didn't stop me from going on this - it shouldn't to anyone hesitant because of that. And the ship's size helps so it's not too intense.
My roommate was a perfectionist and didn't enjoy herself as freely as most people I encountered, and it was sad to see her complain constantly - if you go on this trip, see the beauty around you and the incredible opportunities that you have just by being able to literally sail around the world. Be grateful and don't cut yourself short of this experience.
The community that naturally happens on this ship is amazing, simply by looking at the vast range in age you get. Also, having your professors bring their families is comforting as well, and bridges the gap between professor and student - I loved hanging out with my professor's son and daughter, and running into them in different countries. The youngest voyager on my trip was 4 years old and the oldest was in her mid 80's.
So it is what you make of it, but you start with a spectacular blank canvas, a ship that circumnavigates the globe. The possibilities!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed