Great Experience

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I volunteered in Delhi, India for 3 weeks through IVHQ and had an incredible experience! I volunteered on the slum teaching project and it was truly an eye opening experience. The school I worked in was nice and clean the staff was friendly, welcoming and passionate about educating students and the slum children. I spent every afternoon with the slum kids and seeing them and watching and helping them learn and just spending time playing with them was truly an eye opening experience. My volunteer accommodations were nice and clean and we ate really well (Indian food is great!) The in country staff was so friendly and willing to help should you have any issues at all. I developed a skin rash due to an allergy to a medicine I was taking and the in country staff checked on me several times and offered several times to take me to a doctor, which made me feel like they really cared and comforted while being so far away from home. I had constant contact with all staff including the staff member that helped me prepare for the trip before I left. She sent me an email part way through my volunteering to check in and make sure that I was happy with my placement and accommodations and to see if I needed anything at all.
This was my first time going abroad completely alone and I felt safe the whole time and met so many amazing people along my journey. I met a great group of people, who after only a few days felt like family, it was sad saying goodbye. It is important to keep in mind flexibility and being open minded to a new culture, lifestyle, manners and food. If you do you will have an amazing and life changing experience! I am going through IVHQ again and leave in just under 2 months to volunteer abroad again with them!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed