The UCC Community

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I did a split-year abroad where I spent my fall semester in Paris and my spring semester in Cork. Paris was an incredible experience, but it was also very stressful because it was such a big city and I come from a tiny town in New England. But when I got to Cork, I immediately felt at home. Everyone I met was incredibly nice, and in those first few weeks, if I looked lost, someone would immediately ask if I needed help. The UCC campus is gorgeous, too - when it wasn't raining, I'd read or hang out with friends on the ampitheater. At UCC I took classes that I wouldn't have had the opportunity to take otherwise - Irish folklore, archaeology, and contemporary lit - and I even learned a little of the Irish language. The professors and staff at UCC were always there for me if I had a question, and so were the other students. It felt very much like a community rather than just a school.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed