The best trip with the best people

Housing: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I went to Chiang Mai in Thailand through GapGuru with a friend for just under a month in the summer of 2014. We had no teaching experience, had never backpacked alone nor had we even been to Thailand before!! Not only were we complete novices but we were very apprehensive too even being quite confident girls. At 17 and 18 being given any responsibility to teach children is a daunting prospect. As soon as we got to Thailand, the welcome and support from the team ensured we felt comfortable and safe from the outset, the whole team were beyond friendly and immediately make you feel like part of the GapGuru family, this was continued throughout our stay. We not only got to teach at a school in the local area but we saw Thailand too, no task was too big for the team to try and sort out for us and we had to freedom to discover Thailand as we wished, truly being able to immerse ourselves into it as opposed to just being 'tourists'. The volunteering is why this trip is so wonderful, it gives you not only personal growth but a true sense of gratitude. I learnt from everybody I encountered on the trip and was inspired by not only the children and the teachers but also the Thailand support team too. This opportunity and experience is something I would urge anyone to go for, I have made friends for life and memories that I treasure and wish to add to in the near future when I hopefully return! I don't think there has been a time in my life where I have felt more happy and content and would urge anyone who's missing something, be it a travel bug, a desire to discover or an impulse to do something for others to go and divulge in GapGurus opportunities.

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Year Completed