Best experience..You will want to go back!

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Let me start off by saying you will not regret this experience in Cartagena! If anything you will probably want to stay longer just like I did.

This experience definitely impacted and altered my world. It was one of a kind as it was really rewarding volunteering in different projects during the week, and having the opportunity to explore and learn about the city during the weekends.

The minute I arrived to the airport, Carlos our neighbor, was so generous and welcoming waiting to take us to the volunteer house. Soon after, I met Monica, Emerging Voices' director who was super helpful and kind. She makes you feel at home as soon as you get there and gives you information about important things you might want to know, as well as places you can visit. The house was spacious and simply beautiful. The staff and accommodations were great and soon after interacting with the other volunteers in the house, I felt like we were a family.

It was really nice of Monica to allow us to go to all the projects offered at the time for the first week, in order for us to pick which ones we wanted to stick to by the end of the week. I was able to do three different projects in one month which was amazing. I did childcare in the mornings Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and I taught an advance English class in the afternoons on Monday and Wednesday. I also worked with children who had cancer on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I fell in love with each project instantly and even more with the children I worked with. They were amazing and really impacted my life!

The social scene is ineradicable! You are able to explore the city, go dancing, have a few drinks, and meet and interact with other locals/foreigners. The best part is that if you get along with the other volunteers in the house, you will most likely be exploring with them and splitting costs in taxi rides! I suggest going to Tayrona Park which is Paradise. You can also take a tour bus which lets you learn so much about Cartagena. The beaches are amazing, and having a beach that is five minutes away from the house is a bonus! You will really create great experiences if you go with an open mind, and open heart and willingness to help others. You will also realize they will leave an impact in your life just like you leave an impact on their lives!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would