IVHQ- India- Slum teaching

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 4
Safety: 5

I was in the slum teaching project for 4 weeks and found it an unforgettable experience! Working in the school was very rewarding and you get so close to all the amazing children there who are such characters. India is very different to Western countries but in a good way- its manic but also so spiritual with a lot of history and the people are very friendly. If you embrace it, you will see and do so much and have some incredible experiences. IVHQ in India have a brilliant group of staff who are really helpful and who you can have fun with. You stay with a host family and mine were great fun to live with, really helpful with any issues I had and just genuinely lovely people. I would recommend the orientation week as you get to do some additional sightseeing and get taught a bit of Hindi which is really useful as there is a bit of a language barrier in the school. With IVHQ you also get free time in the afternoons and on weekends you get the chance to do some extra travelling so make sure you take the opportunity to do so. If you are looking at volunteering I would definitely recommend IVHQ because they helped make my time here one to remember!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would