Any Teacher's Dream

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

The English Camp Company helped me grow into the teacher that I am today. There are so many delightful aspects about being an E.C.C. tutor, that it is almost difficult to choose my ultimate favorite. Working with such wonderful Italian children day in and day out in both the classroom and through fun-filled afternoon activities was the highlight of my entire year, let alone summer. Meeting the world’s most hospitable families who treat you like one of their own, as well as creating long lasting relationships with both fellow tutors and students are just a glimpse of arguably the best experience of my life thus far. Nate and Ashleigh, the masterminds behind this wonderful organization, are two of the most caring, organized and welcoming people on the planet. They make you feel right at home. Orientation was the perfect start to an unforgettable summer because it is a time to meet everyone in the group and learn all of the necessary skills to be successful in the classroom.

Out of the three host families I had last year, I can honestly say with confidence that I cannot choose one I love more than the other. I talk to all of them on a regular basis and I sent them all Christmas packages as a way of saying thanks so much for inviting me into your home for an extended period of time. My favorite Italy memories are the ones spent bonding with my families because they gave me a home away from home in one of the most beautiful places on earth. I learned so much from them, including a little bit of Italian. Each family was different in their own way and I loved learning how to cook meals from their specific regions. The truly want to spend time with their tutor and the kids absolutely LOVE when the tutors go out of their way to enjoy quality time with them as well. I highly advise the new tutors to be mindful of their families, be eternally grateful for treating the tutors like family, and go on the mini excursions that the families plan for their tutors! (The travel opportunities with families are the best)!! The camps are all in gorgeous regions of Italy and each provide an entirely different experience. I absolutely loved the aspect of traveling to a new part of Italy every two weeks. This program allows you to meet new people, live with amazing families, eat the BEST food, teach in a positive and loving environment and travel--- truly an offer that can't be beat!

Working with all of the charismatic, Italian children and passionate staff, and getting the opportunity to travel throughout one of the most beautiful countries on Earth is an experience that I will cherish forever.
This program is without a doubt one of the best out there--- especially if you are looking for an authentic, Italian experience with wonderful families and amazing students. If you want to feel safe, and feel instantly right at home; look no further, because the English Camp Company is the real deal.

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Yes, I would