YOLO or go home!

Academics: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Housing: 4
Safety: 4

There was this one crazy afternoon where me and my friend took off to Brooklyn Hill to conquer the Brooklyn Hill Wind Turbine Walk with groceries (think cabbages and carrots) and school stuff in tow. The sun would be setting in a few hours, and we were uncertainly unprepared; I was wearing extremely inappropriate shoes for navigating muddy trails and my friend was lugging her laptop in her backpack. Nonetheles, the proximity of Wellington City to Mother Nature was too close to deter us. I really like how city and nature can coexist side by side and the wonderful blend of city and nature - my room has a spectacular view of the nearby mountain range, albeit at the price of aching calves from climbing hills to get home - gives you the urge to go out and EXPLORE. On a more serious note, learning at VUW is really conducive. For instance, controversial topics such as transgender community are freely discussed in the classroom (all in the name of learning, of course!) To end off, I really can't wait to explore the rest of The Land of the Long White Cloud!!!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed