Victoria University of Wellington Review

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 3
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

I have been living in Wellington now for about one and a half months. The city is awesome to live in, I love being able to walk/run down to the waterfront in no time at all and the general views I get when walking around are also outstanding - seeing snowcapped mountains in the distance. I have not managed to travel outside of Wellington much yet due to the University work being relatively full on (as you'd expect), although there is a two week break coming up and I have planned a skiing trip with the University's Snowsports club. I have also had some time to plan out my travels after the trimester is over - I've been given some insider information by the Kiwi's I live with about where to go in particular.

With respect to my degree programme, I'm following four courses which offer a decent challenge, but all the lecturers are incredibly approachable so any problems I have with the course or assignments can be easily resolved.

I have one problem with this place, and that is their heating. In general I've found that most of the houses are pretty cold - especially with it being winter at the moment. The place I'm staying doesn't have any form of central heating, insulation or double-glazed windows. This is, however, a little niggle, and is definitely worth being a little cold to experience this amazing place!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed