Studying at Vic

Academics: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Housing: 5
Safety: 4

Not only is Wellington the ideal location for a city, but it is also the perfect place to have a university! I am studying for one trimester at Victoria University of Wellington. So far it has been wonderful. The courses are challenging, yet exciting, and all of my professors are extremely supportive. I am taking a paper on the Treaty of Waitangi and my professor has not only answered my endless questions, but also reached out to me on her own to make sure I was understanding the terminologies and concepts because I am foreign. UniHall is also an amazing place to live. The housing team at Vic is efficient and welcoming, I have never felt like I was on my own when it came to housing. Any issue I have is dealt with immediately, but issues are rare anyway! I have really been enjoying my time here at Vic, there is so much to get involved in club wise, as well! I recommend Victoria's canoe club and all of the international programs that are offered!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed