VUW is a dream place

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

It was a correct choice that I had given up the other exchange program since I knew I was able to study VUW.
I quite love study here because every one here keeps beautiful and sunshiny smile and is very very polite. In addition, professors try their best to help you to make out your questions.
I love the Website 'Blackboard' of VUW that I can know everything I should do in few days and also check the grades in present after I submitted my homework.
My friend who study here before recommended me to live in home stay and I chose it. Living in Wellington is a healthy choice by fresh air, safety traffic and sweet milk. I am so impressed about the drivers here who stopped and waited for me kindly when I was reaching to cross road.
Sometimes I also visit my friends house in Uni. They just likes a family, washing dishes, hosting party and potluck all together, which seems like that they have known each other for a long time but not actually.
All in all, Victoria University of Wellington is a warm place to study, likes a library, palace filled with various knowledge, where I thought that is a dream place.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed