A wonderful experience in VUW and Wellington

Academics: 3
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I do enjoy the days in VUW and Wellington. Beacuse I am in the last year in my home institution, I do not have the pressure to gain enough credits. Hense, I can fully enjoy the life here.
The air is very clean here. So does the food and streets. People in Wellington are very enthusiastic. They are always ready to help the others. So I never feel lonely or any kind of uncomfortable here.
Those staff in the international office of VUW are nice and patient. If you have any questions, just go and ask them.
If I really need to say something not that good in Wellington, it would be the weather. Wellington is fulled of strong wind. It often rains occationally as well. So a rain coat is extremely necessary!
The atmosphere in VUW is free. If you are not that shy, it is easy for you to make a large group of new friends from different countries with the same hobbies.
In one word, both of Wellington and VUW are the good places to experience the new life and learn about something new about other culture.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed