IVHQ programs in Cusco Peru through Máximo Nivel

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

My first volunteering experience abroad was this August. I booked a month with a special needs program through IVHQ and their partner in Cusco, Máximo Nivel. IVHQ did a wonderful job of getting me ready for the trip. My program coordinator, Dallas, was in almost constant email contact; answering all of my questions and making sure I had everything ready to go. When I got there, the Máximo Nivel staff were just as helpful and gave me constant support. I was never on my own, I was never lost (except maybe once when I got off at the wrong bus stop), and I never felt in danger (except when I experienced a freak whitewater rafting accident). Every moment I spent in Cusco was an experience I will take with me for the rest of my life. Through IVHQ and Máximo Nivel, I made wonderful friends from all over the world and really made a difference at my volunteer placement. Volunteers should remember that they will not change the world at their placement, but they may change the world of a few people. This is what it is all about: helping as many people as you can and being a positive influence. IVHQ helps you do this. My only bad experiences were not IVHQ or Máximo Nivel's fault but merely happenstance. Dangerous, dirty, or surprising things can happen but that is all a part of the experience and I would not trade any of it for the world. I must say I left my heart in Perú with the people I helped and befriended. I highly recommend both IVHQ and their partner Máximo Nivel.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed