TEFL in La Antigua!

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

I came to Antigua to study TEFL with Maximo and I absolutely loved it. Audra, our TEFL teacher, was not only very prepared but made us feel comfortable from day one.

Because I´m Mexican I thought it was going to be harder for me to get the hang of it. The TEFL program is organized in a way that everything just sort of fell in place.

I chose to study in the classroom over the online or hybrid courses because

I wanted the interaction with other students and the mini lessons and practical teaching experience.

An advantage of pursuing TEFL Certification with Maximo Nivel was being able to teach Guatemalan English learners versus not having this experience in the United States or Canada.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed