Prepares you for real teaching!

Benefits: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Facilities: 4
Safety: 4

The TEFL/TESOL course at Maximo Nivel, Guatemala is an excellent program located in the beautiful city of La Antigua. Audra, my trainer, is an amazing teacher who pushes her students to do their best and succeed, and the other staff at Maximo Nivel are always there to help and support their clients. The course itself involves a great deal of work, seeing as it is only a month long! However, from the first week onwards you'll begin to receive practical teaching experience with detailed feedback and guidance in how to improve. Having completed the course, I feel ready to begin teaching ESL and have confidence that I can get jobs all over the world with Maximo Nivel's generous assistance and letter of recommendation. This course really is worth it!!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed