Study + Travel = Priceless

Academics: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

When traveling abroad it makes you realize even the smallest things you did back home. You discuss topics that are unique to your country and not others and makes you realize why we don't do things a different way. The way other people describe there home environments makes you realize how different the world is. You're able to almost visualize what its like to live in the other countries that people you meet are from. Once you get to know people and make friends you make road trips which will be the best part of any study abroad. Exploring a country that no one is familiar with makes the trip that much more enjoyable. Plus not knowing what lies around the next corner only adds to the excitement of getting to the destination. But with all the trips and exploring you must make time to study as well. The best way I found was to get to know people in the class and form study groups. This makes the learning experience more interactive and in the process your able to learn more than reading the books yourself.

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