Nothing like India

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

This experience as a whole is extremely rewarding, however it is not for the faint hearted. India will obliterate your comfort zone and if you're not prepared for that you will have a rough start, potentially a rough trip. Be prepared to be emotional. You'll see things that will break your heart, but you can't let it ruin your whole day. Be prepared for it to be hard! It was a lot more difficult than I had anticipated, however that didn't prevent me from loving every minute of it. I came here with the expectation of helping others change their lives, but this experience changed mine. I've learned so much over the last six weeks, I would need a novel to adequately convey how much. Coming to India is one of the best things I've ever done.
Here are some tips from me:
1. Come alone. It will force you to branch out and meet people.
2. Leave your cell phone home. Its amazing what you learn about your life when you completely abandon it for awhile.
3. Take advantage of your weekends. Go crazy and travel until your legs give out! There is so much to see here and no two places are the same.
4. Put any guards that you have down. Allow yourself to fall in love with the kids, your family, and this country because it's absolutely amazing.
5. If you're still considering this, just do it. Don't think about it for too long because you can always come up with a reason why you shouldn't go. Just do it, it will change your life!

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