Can’t think of a better place to get a TEFL

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Value: 5
Academic Rigor: 3
Job Assistance: 5

Costa Rica TEFL is located in one of the nicest beach towns in Costa Rica with friendly people and fun nightlife. The staff is amazing. They will help you succeed while you are in the course, and help you to find a great job after. Even if you never teach a single day after this, you will benefit from the experience. You are likely to learn about language education and develop a greater awareness of the importance of language in your own life. You are likely to swim, surf, hike, and or kayak in a place that couldn’t be more beautiful. You are likely to pick up a phrase or two in Spanish, or if you are already studying Spanish, you are likely to make serious gains in your conversational ability. I would recommend this course to anybody looking to travel, learn, teach, and experience.

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Year Completed