My home away from home

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Spending a year abroad was wonderful, but my only regret is that I only spent one semester of it at UCC.
There was a very friendly orientation staff and I gained so many friends just from going around to different events, joining numerous clubs, and taking some time to hang out at the local grinds like the new bar and even the library. I always felt included, though after I made a few friends they were the ones I met up with the most anyway. I went to events such as the arts ball and participated in 'raise and give' week which were a blast, not to mention joining the volleyball team and the model united nations group for some differing stimulus here and there.

The teachers were also quite wonderful, not only for their naturally charming Irish jokes, but for the extent of confidence and sociability they had with their students. I had multiple who didn't mind grabbing tea together or who would ask about if anyone wanted to come out to a trad night. The only downside can be the walks between campus and your residence depending on your classes and where you end up living, but it becomes more manageable as you go on.

Most always locals are more than willing to tell you of good places to go for x, y, or z depending on your interests (they love to chat) and can point out tid bits they know about upcoming events. Overall, it was a warm, welcoming , and slightly sarcastic atmosphere that I came to love and call my home. If given the opportunity to go back, I would go in a heartbeat. :)

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed