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Why choose GVI?

GVI is an award-winning organisation that tackles critical local and global issues through our travel-based volunteer, internship, fellowship and apprenticeship programs as well as online courses, and virtual programs. At GVI, we believe that long-lasting impact is locally-led, which is why our programs are run in partnership with local organisations like the National Parks of South Africa, Madagascar, Costa Rica, Seychelles, Mexico and Thailand.

We’ve been connecting thousands of change-makers, like you, through an extensive range of nature conservation and social development programs in some of the most vulnerable habitats and communities around the world for over twenty years. Our projects tackle a number of critical global issues from turtle and elephant conservation to citizen science and gender equality.

Joining a GVI program gives you the chance to contribute to something bigger than yourself, and be part of a community of global citizens.


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Hei Laam
Yes, I recommend this program

Awesome internship experience with GVI in Tenerife!

Gained valuable hands-on experience on collecting data on cetaceans (mainly short-finned pilot whales), sea turtles, and dolphins sometimes during boat survey! We also conducted meaning land surveys and rewarding beach/community clean-ups. The hub we stayed was clean, comfortable and spacious, with a pool right outside the house. I was also so lucky to have met a bunch of interesting people from different backgrounds and age groups. So far I enjoyed my time in Tenerife so much and wish I could stay longer!

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
over 80 Atlantic spotted dolphins surrounding our RIB during one of the boat surveys!
  • comfortable housing
  • excursions provided
  • sufficient self-study time
  • 30 mins walk from the house to the harbour
  • weather could be dangerously hot
Response from GVI

Hi Tiffany

Thank you for your review. I'm so glad to hear you gained such valuable experience during your experience - this is really a game-changer for your career growth! It's also lovely to hear you made such great connections and I hope you join us next time for a longer stay!

All the best,
Tiffany (GVI Outreach Team)

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Yes, I recommend this program

A Truly Wonderful Experience!

My experience with GVI was absolutely amazing! Being given the opportunity to make a difference from afar and seeing the impact my efforts make in wildlife conservation was an incredible experience (and one I will surely not forget anytime soon!) I cannot recommend GVI more, from the community feel, to the dedication of the people there willing to offer input into any questions you may have, it is truly such a lovely environment. The learning material is also very direct and easy to follow while still offering valuable information in regards to the program. I would highly, highly recommend their program and will surely be taking another adventure soon! Thank you tons!

Response from GVI

Hi Shelby,

Thank you for leaving a review on your GVI experience! We are so thrilled that you had such an amazing and unforgettable time. We hope to see you again soon!

All the best,
Katherine (Outreach Assistant)

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Yes, I recommend this program

GVI Ghana Community Development Internship

I joined the GVI Ghana Community Development Internship Programme in February 2024. I had a fantastic experience and enjoyed the programme so much that I arranged a 2 week extension, meaning I spent 10 weeks in total with GVI Ghana.

As part of my programme, I worked in local schools delivering lessons in areas such as the environment, JEDI (justice, education diversity and inclusion) and comparing Ghanaian culture to other cultures from around the world. Working in the schools was a wonderful experience as the teachers and students alike were enthusiastic and engaged. There is a wealth of knowledge on all these topics available on base to all volunteers/interns, meaning lesson plans are of a high standard and easy to teach to students.

Overall, I could not recommend GVI Ghana more highly. The staff on base make the transition to life in Ghana as smooth as possible. Every aspect of GVI Ghana is well organised; from the transport to and from the airport to the accommodation on base. There is also sufficient free time to explore the local area and really immerse yourself into Ghanaian culture. GVI is hugely respected in the community due to the hard work of volunteers and interns and the culture created by the staff members on base.

  • Local Community
  • The NGO team, staff and volunteers
Response from GVI

Hi Oisin

Thank you for your review. Wow, it's amazing that you enjoyed your program so much that you extended your stay! Truly immersing yourself in the Ghanaian culture really enhances your experience so I'm glad were able to do that and connect so well with the teachers and students in the local schools.

All the best,
Tiffany (GVI Outreach Team)

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Yes, I recommend this program

Internship review

My experience with GVI Cambodia is something I will never forget. The opportunities I had to make an impact to local communities was abundant, and I learnt so much from the people we worked with. The programs are well thought out and varied so you feel like you cover a lot of ground throughout the duration of your stay whilst being able to contribute to development goals in Siem Reap.
The staff are warmth and knowledgeable about the culture and history which made me feel comfortable and at ease when settling into the program. Everyone really feels like family very quickly as you live, work, and play all together. The intern program was mostly self guided, which allowed me to take on my own work and contribute to GVI partners. The support I received from staff and the partners was really appreciated and enhanced the work I could do.
I definitely feel like the program has something for everyone, whether for personal or professional goals, and is a once in a lifetime experience.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Go in with an open mind about what community development looks like and how you can make a difference to the people you work with. Trust yourself and your knowledge, and you will learn so much about yourself.
  • Meeting people from all over the world
  • The food
  • Learning opportunities
  • The heat
Response from GVI

Hi Claudia

Thank you so much for reviewing your experience. I'm thrilled to hear that you had such a meaningful and impactful time. It's also heartwarming to hear you felt truly supported by the staff and that you were able to learn so much from them!

All the best,
Tiffany (GVI Outreach Team)

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Yes, I recommend this program

Highly Recommend

I joined the GVI Tenerife program for whale and dolphin conservation and it was amazing. The staff, other volunteers and interns were so nice, and the boat days were surreal. In the two weeks I was there I saw Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins, a Bryde's whale, and common dolphins, as well as turtles and birds. Other activities we did were bird surveys and beach cleanups. The base was clean and comfortable. I recommend GVI to anyone wanting to try out/is planning on getting into biology or conservation or who just wants to try something new and travel in a meaningful way!

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
On my second time out on the boat a pilot whale came right up to our boat and played with a calf underneath us!
  • I learned a lot about cetaceans
  • Planning is done for you- Accommodation and food is sorted for you and you can get picked up straight from the airport
  • You can have close encounters with beautiful animals in an ethical way
  • Food is not bad but it is basic since the participants cook for themselves
  • Lots of cleaning!
Response from GVI

Hi Olivia

Thank you for your review. Wow, You saw so many amazing species! I'm so glad you had such a great experience and connected well with your peers. Please do send us lovely pictures if you were able to capture any!

All the best,
Tiffany (GVI Outreach Team)


Displaying 1 - 9 of 37

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Why did you choose this program?

I’ve always been interested in conservation, but thought I’d never have the time to really explore what was available. Due to redundancy, I decided to act on this desire finally do something for me.

I am passionate about all wildlife and its conservation, but especially turtles due to their long life and the huge impact short sighted actions have on the population. I have been reading books on their history and work being carried out for them. The biggest impact for me is that the work you do now isn’t realised for up to 35 years, so what you do if for long term, not short term reward. Their beauty, grace and endurance being affected by their outright vulnerability in and out of the water gives me a heartfelt desire to do something to give them and their future a chance, even if that is only a few weeks to help a small amount on their, hopefully, long journey.

One of the first websites I looked at was GVI. They have many many hubs around the world with a diverse range of projects. After several informative and guidance emails and chats, it was clear that the time of year and my dates gave me 2x locations to look deeper into. I struggled to get the correct dates and thought another opportunity would pass me by. However looking at other sites convinced me further that GVI was the right one to go for. I changed my dates based on my research and the enthusiasm and support I was given from the GVI team, signing up for GVI Thailand - Ban Nam Khem.

What did your program provider (or university) assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

I contacted GVI direct from their website. Sending the first email was scary and exciting at the same time. I didn't really know what to expect and hoped that I'd made the right choice. The email response, information location guidance and their request to call me were very welcome. The call back I had really set the picture and even offered other programmes to consider to ensure I was getting what I wanted. Further research and GVI help reassured me that I was with the right people, going to the right place for me.

Before I signed up, I checked the flight and accommodation availability. Once all looked good, I signed up and started booking! The guidance for applying for the visa was spot on, I had to travel to London to apply and collect my Visa, but Visa support companies will do this for you. I booked the flight direct with Qatar, I also booked the first night hotel via Booking.com which was quick and easy to do. That was it, I was set to go.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

The one piece of advice is to have confidence that you'll have a great time. Selecting the programme you like means you will meet like-minded people and you'll have a great time. Volunteer holidays are full of opportunity, most people travel without knowing anyone and you'll leave with many new friends. Other advice would be to follow the GVI advice on research topics and to download an app with the country's language, it really boosts your experience.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

I was lucky as the timing was right for a couple of unusual events.

Most days comprise a morning and afternoon activity. Due to the Sun setting early, there's a lot to pack in. The Marine Conservation programme focusses on 2x visits a week to the Royal Thai Navy base to work cleaning turtle tanks, cleaning baby turtles and measuring and treating larger turtles for any infections. The programme also completes a 3 day visit to a couple of off-shore islands, completing butterfly, bird survey and Coral reef surveys. My time included 3x intern leadership project completions. The interns had been working on their different conservation projects and we worked for each of them for a day. The projects were to man stands in the local town to provide advice and awareness of issues within the country, help create conservation information posts to bring awareness of waste in the sea and a local garden to provide food and a better environment for volunteers. We also completed a sponsorship event raising money for food for the turtles.

Finally, you have weekends off, which most people take the opportunity to travel around the country together to visit other tourist attractions and cities.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

My biggest fear was my age. I imagined a lot of young adults not wanting an old person of their parents' age around!! I'd left volunteering late in life, but couldn't let my concerns hold me back! From the moment I arrived, everyone was friendly and inclusive. It was easy to see that age was not an issue. In addition, there are more people volunteering later in life that I realised.

What was your biggest curiosity before participating in the program?

For me the one question I wanted to know was "Will it be worth it" As with all things in this world, you really do get what you pay for. GVI are not the cheapest volunteer organisation. I did consider cheaper offers, but my research led to me question their direction and motivation was not the same as GVI. The onsite staff are dedicated, the food is fresh and cooked by locals, the activities are vast and all with local people providing the transport, guidance, food, accommodation etc. To see where my money went really proved to me that it was the right choice, fair and well spent.

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Jill Blavet

Job Title
Virtual Internship Supervisor
Jill loves traveling, meeting new people and is passionate about conservation.
She joined GVI in 2020 to learn more about marine life protection. As an intern, Jill worked with organisations based in South Africa, Thailand, and Mexico on marine conservation projects. She also supported education, wildlife, and marine conservation projects in Fiji, Costa Rica, and Seychelles. Soon after completing her internship, she joined GVI as the Virtual Internship Supervisor, where she supports the Virtual Internship programs. Jill believes that it is vital for communities around the world to learn and understand nature's value to improve our behaviour and relationship with the natural environment, which will allow future generations to enjoy it sustainably.
Jill Blavet


What is your favorite travel memory?

My trip to South Africa, for sure! It was full of adventures and learning experiences. I felt so close to nature, where I feel the happiest! I have been fascinated by the ocean and marine life from an early age. When I was in Florida, I had swam with Dusky sharks, which was very special; however, my encounter with a Great White through cage-diving in South Africa made me fall in love with sharks even more. During my trip to South Africa, I contributed to the conservation of Great Whites, which was why my travel experience was so enriching. Being in their natural habitat was mesmerising and sharing that serene moment with a Great White underwater was indescribable.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

I have a deeper understanding of the intersections of the economy, environment, and social factors. Each Sustainable Development Goal is intertwined with one another and is vital to meet each of these goals for the survival of life on earth. Also, when I first joined GVI, I was set on working from one or two locations, but now I have many in mind.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

Speaking from personal experience, as a volunteer in marine conservation at GVI, I had the incredible opportunity to design video content for Saving Our Sharks to raise awareness on shark conservation; I was happy to have helped inspire people to change their perspectives on sharks. Additionally, I researched and redesigned educational material on Marine Protected Areas and the positive impact on communities where they are implemented: the education materials were to be utilised by business schools in South Africa. I have now returned to GVI as a VI supervisor, and I look forward to welcoming students from around the world to the VI programs.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

Honestly, there are so many programs that I would like to take part in that it is hard to choose just one as they all offer something unique! But, if I had to choose just one, it would be the Lemon Shark and turtle conservation program in Curieuse Island. The reason why I would choose this program is because it deepens the understanding of shark behaviour and furthers conservation efforts, which is crucial now more than ever. Sharks have been around for about 450 million years, and they've survived five massive planet extinction events. Sadly, now some species are critically endangered, and the Lemon Shark population is decreasing, making the species vulnerable. Therefore, it is imperative to use the tags to better understand how to conserve sharks and improve the relationship between humans, sharks, and other marine life.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

The people! We are all passionate and dedicated to make a positive change, and we share common goals and values. GVI works with inspiring partner organisations across different locations, which is exceptional. I am very proud that my team ensures we tailor every program to the interns' interests to maximise their experience whilst ensuring the projects that our global partners need are delivered in time and with excellent quality.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

Firstly, I believe people are the biggest asset of a company; people are the driving force of a successful organisation. Secondly, an organisation with practices that meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs is another success factor. Lastly, it is vital for an organisation to support work-life balance and value its employees to move forward successfully.

Professional Associations

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