Why did you decide to study abroad with ISA in London?
Ashley: As a finance major, I had the opportunity to visit New York City with the company I was interning with, so I decided to study in London to experience another major financial city. During the research period, ISA had the time period and excursions I was looking for and when I arrived, the people do truly guide you into getting what you wanted out of the study abroad.
What made studying in England a unique and special experience?
Ashley: I can truly say it was one of the best experiences of my life. Emersing yourself in another culture, flying halfway across the world to meet people you've never met before and to do life together for awhile, it was surreal. Also, in London, there is such history - you go from seeing a Roman wall downtown to where some tube stations are still marred by the attacks of World War Two to the modern buildings (the Mayor's Balls and the Pickle). It made me realize how "young" the United States truly is.
How has this experience impacted your future?
Ashley: How has this impacted me? Everyday - in every facet of life. Personally - I am always wanting to travel more, learn more, experience more. It started a domino effect that I'm not sure I will ever satisfy. Professionally - having that opportunity and being able to speak intelligently about London and the Square MIle, the Bank of England, etc. helped me to land my current job. Also, I am very willing to be relocated to Europe now that I have traveled throughout which makes me a more flexible employee.