Alumni Spotlight: Jessica Mew

Why did you decide to study abroad with AustraLearn in Suva, Fiji?

Jessica: I knew that I wanted to study abroad, but I couldn’t decide where I wanted to go. Many of my peers were heading to Europe and I really wanted to do something different, some place that wasn’t a popular study abroad destination. I knew that I wanted a country that spoke primarily English, because I didn’t think I could learn a whole new language and become proficient enough to get around comfortably.

After hours of searching my university’s study abroad website, I found it, Fiji! I decided at the moment that was where I wanted to go. When you think of Fiji, you think of the sun and the beach, right? One of Fiji’s national languages is English, no one I knew had studied abroad in Fiji, and Fiji was my next destination.

What made your study abroad experience unique and special?

Jessica: Before heading to Fiji, I did little to no research on Fiji, and didn’t even know it was a third world country. I knew that Fiji wasn’t all sun and beaches, but I was extremely shocked when we entered the city of Suva. Living in a third world country is a definitely something that I think everyone should experience. It was eye-opening to see a world completely different from our own. For example, “Fiji time,” means that people run at their own pace, often leaving things unfinished. This upset me and lots of other Americans, who are used to having things done now.

Technology is not as advanced in Fiji, and the cost to call/text to call home becomes pricey. In addition, in Fiji, I learned to appreciate what I had a lot more. There isn’t a lot of shopping in Fiji, and I was so use to just hopping in my car and heading to the mall to kill time or to go window shopping. Instead, I was planning trips to local hideouts and making new friends along the way.

Jessica with other AustraLearn students

Fiji has so much to offer, from the history, politics, rugby, adventures such as zip lining, shark diving, surfing, sky diving, and of course the beautiful beaches! The country is small, but there are so many places that I wish I was able to see and visit. I feel like I spent most of my time traveling or planning my next trip. Fiji taught me a lot of things, appreciate how fortunate I am and what I have and to not rely on materialistic things to make me happy and to take life in a slower pace. I came back relaxed, unrushed, and ready to tackle the next steps of my life. Fiji was an eye-opening experience that I wish I could do all over again.

How has this experience impacted your future?

Jessica: Fiji created my travel’s itch, and I ended up doing two more study abroad trips. I finally made my way to Europe, for a summer session in Scotland, and a 3 month internship in New Zealand, both with GlobaLinks. I took a few social work/sociology courses while in Fiji, and that fueled my interest in the field. Fiji lead me to do an internship in New Zealand, working for Child, Youth, and Family.

Currently, I am in a master’s of social work program at the University of Southern California, and this all began with my study abroad trip to Fiji. After graduation, I hope to find a job abroad (I’m keeping my country list open!) helping families and children. Fiji has helped me develop what I value most in life, and has guided me into a career that I love. My study abroad trip to Fiji has done so much for me that I will never be able to fully explain, but it was definitely the best six months of my life!

Want to hear more about Jessica's experiences with GlobaLinks? Check out her EuroLearn interview about her study abroad experience in Stirling, Scotland at the University of Stirling, or her GlobaLinks Internship in New Zealand!