Why did you decide to study with API?
Alyssa: I decided to study abroad with API for many different reasons. The main reason I decided to study abroad with API was because of their excursions. I enjoyed being able to live in one city, but also be able to travel to other cities on the weekends; and API provided me with that. API also provided me with many cultural events that students could opt to do. These included dinners at special places, guided tours throughout various cities, tickets to operas, ballets, museums, a historical soccer match, and many other cultural events. These cultural events and excursions helped me get a better understanding for the Italian culture and made me feel a part of it as well. These events and excursions were provided by API and students did not need to pay extra money to participate.
What made this experience unique and special?
Alyssa: One aspect of my study abroad experience that made it unique and special was traveling on my own. On the weekends, when excursions were not provided by API, I would travel to another city with other students. This allowed me to explore multiple cities of Italy, which I really enjoyed. The class I took, Pairing Food and Wine, while studying abroad in Italy also made my trip very unique and special. I was able to cook Italian meals and learn about the pairings of those meals with the many different types of wines. This really engaged me in the Italian culture of food and wine, and I will never forget what an excellent class it was.
How has this experience impacted your future?
Alyssa: My study abroad experience made me a more confident and independent person. Living in another country for five weeks, without knowing anyone at first made me a stronger person and also taught me things about myself that I hadn’t known before. I am now able to apply my confidence and strength to any path I may take in the future. It is also a wonderful memory that I will always have and carry with me wherever I go. Italy didn’t change me as a person; it helped me find my true self.