Staff Spotlight: Vivienne Hamill

Program Director Aix en Provence
Vivienne specialized in Teaching English as a Foreign Language and taught in various institutions in Aix before discovering the world of study abroad. She has been running the Aix-en-Provence program with CEA since 2001 and thoroughly enjoys the interaction with the students and helping them through what can be a life changing experience. Vivienne received a B.A. Hons in French Studies specializing in Translation and Marketing from the University of Portsmouth in England and also a Post Graduate Diploma in Teaching English as a Foriegn Language from the University of Ulster at Coleraine.

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Did YOU study abroad?! If so, where and what inspired you to go?

Vivienne: I studied abroad in Aix en Provence and loved it so much that I decided to live here permanently! It was mandatory by my university in England to spend an academic year at a university in France. Initially I had wanted to go to Paris but then one of my friends came back from his year abroad and recommended me to go to Aix.

Aix is a perfect city to live and study. It’s small, manageable, winding streets, outdoor cafés, daily farmers markets, sunny days and blue skies. It’s a great student town – 40 000 students and the entire population is only 140 000. I love Aix and highly recommend for a study abroad destination.

What was your favorite traveling experience?

Vivienne: My favorite traveling experience was a 3 week trip to Indonesia last year. It was my first time in Asia and I travelled alone. I visited Bali and the Gili islands and was totally blown away by the gentleness of the people and their culture. Up to then I had travelled a lot in Europe or South America and always with others.

The trip to Indonesia by myself got me totally out of my comfort zone. At first it was daunting and overwhelming, but then I met so many amazing people and felt really comfortable. It was a great experience traveling alone because I would not have been as open to meeting new people if I had been traveling with friends.

Why is language learning and cultural immersion important to you?

Vivienne: Language learning and cultural immersion change people and affects their perception of life. A person cannot be culturally immersed in a country if they do not speak the language. Cultural immersion is not just a matter of being in a foreign country and assuming that one will absorb the language and culture.

It is an everyday struggle to communicate in a new language and at the same time finding new, culturally appropriate ways of dealing with these new situations. We are parachuted out of a safe classroom environment and are plunged into challenging situations where we have to take charge of our learning process in ways we have never done before. There is no better life-learning experience.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

I started working for CEA in 2001. Up to working for CEA my longest job was 18 months. Previous to CEA I had very little experience working with Americans. I still find it hard to believe that I have been working for over 13 years for the same company and still enjoy the job.. Before I “did a job” and did not often get any real work satisfaction.

I love my job with CEA. There is not one day that I don’t get up in the morning and not feel like going to work. In fact, it is more a way of life than a job. Working with American students is very rewarding. In my role as Program Director I have been able to implement my passion for living in France, my strengths, values and motivations into my work days, and as a result I am happier in life and do my utmost to transmit this to others.