Berridge Programs

Berridge Programs

Why choose Berridge Programs?

Berridge Programs provides meaningful experiences designed to foster creativity, connection, and self-discovery. Set in an 18th-century château in Normandy, France, our programs encourage participants to slow down, focus on their passions, and engage with life in a more intentional way.

From filmmaking and cooking to writing and photography, we embrace creativity in all its forms, offering hands-on opportunities to develop skills and explore self-expression. Participants work closely with experienced mentors and are supported by a welcoming community that values growth and collaboration.

At Berridge, self-expression is at the heart of what we do. We believe it can expand perspectives, strengthen relationships, and shape a meaningful life. Through practical projects, cultural experiences, and shared moments, students discover their creative voices, gain confidence, and leave inspired to pursue a purposeful future.


Diversity & Inclusion

Berridge Programs is dedicated to creating an inclusive, welcoming environment where participants feel seen, respected, and celebrated. We celebrate diversity and encourage self-expression, ensuring that all students can thrive within our creative, respectful community. Our mentors and staff are dedicated to cultivating a space where individuality is embraced, and everyone is empowered to explore their passions authentically. Our programs are designed to promote personal growth, cultural understanding, and positive impact while maintaining the highest standards of integrity and respect for all individuals involved.


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Yes, I recommend this program

Berridge 24

Attending this program was one of the best decisions I have ever made for myself. As nerve racking as it was at first, the atmosphere created by the people involved was incredibly warm and welcoming. Their support made it easy to engage and connect. We became a family by the end of it all. The interactions were genuine, and the encouragement from others made all the difference in my experience. Overall, I gained valuable skills and insights, but the relationships I built will be the lasting impact of this experience.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
My advice to future travelers on this program is to take full advantage of the opportunities provided here. Not only are they a lot of fun but they also open your eyes to a lot of different things.
  • The staff are the kindest most welcoming people
  • Having a space where you can be creative and fully express yourself
  • Forming deep connections with the people experiencing this with you
  • None
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Yes, I recommend this program

Berridge Creative Cultures Fall 2024

I decided to take a gap year to learn about myself, to be present, travel, and to finally discover who I am as an artist. So naturally I applied to Berridge Programs, I was quickly accepted and in what felt like no time at all I was on a plane to France. From the very first moment I met the students, staff and teachers I knew this experience would be unforgettable. And it was. For the first three weeks we traveled through many French cities, experimented with countless artistic mediums such as painting, photography, writing and more. Ultimately leading to a 5 week residence in a chateau in Brix. Through this program I have honed and improved my artistic abilities, I have made amazing friends, and I have learned so much about myself.

I recommend this program to anyone who wants to learn about themselves, about others, who wants to be a creative and be in the moment. There is a culture and atmosphere in this program that fosters compassion, togetherness, imagination and ingenuity. And above all, live in France for a lengthy two artistic months.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
If I could do this all over again, I would change my mindset in the beginning. I would walk of the plane with more confidence, more openness, and more respect for myself. If I had been in a more self assured mindset in the beginning I know that this amazing experience would somehow be even better.
  • Delicious food
  • Compassionate staff
  • Beautiful chateau
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Yes, I recommend this program

Berridge Program Fall 2024

This program changed who I am as a creative and as an artist, as a person as a friend and as a community member. The way the program directors set up this program was so special from day one. From knowing that we were all a group of fresh out of high-school students coming here to find ourselves through experiences and through our art to being able to hold us all in a space where we can feel vulnerable and cared for by each other has been really amazing and extremely magical and meaningful and I feel so lucky to have been able to do this.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
My advice for future travelers is to be comfortable in your decision to come here and be creative and open and vulnerable. This is an incredible program and take advantage of it!
  • The program directors
  • The travels
  • The people!
  • none
  • none
  • none
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Yes, I recommend this program

Berridge Programs fall 2024

Doing this program has been absolutely amazing and life changing. I’ve met some incredible people and had the opportunity to explore and be around so much art. The places we got to visit and explore with the most wonderful staff and students will now be one of my most treasured memories. This program has helped me become a more confident person navigating new spaces and meeting new people. I’ve been pushed creatively and have created some unexpected and wonderful art that I never would have made otherwise.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
I would be more open to trying new things, experiences and not be so afraid to explore an unfamiliar culture because everything worth it will seem scary.
  • Opportunity to explore independently
  • Beautiful sites
  • Amazing staff
  • .
  • .
  • .
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Yes, I recommend this program

Truly life changing

This program has created memories that will never leave my heart. The director from day one created such a safe, warm, supportive environment which started us off on the right path. The connections I made with both the students and staff are so deep. This program helped me figure out who I am. The director structures our time together so well. I feel I’ve been exposed to so much and my view of the world has expanded immensely. This experience is something I wish more people could experience. Yay!

  • Relationships that were created
  • Creativity that is supported
  • Laughter


Displaying 1 - 4 of 4

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Duane Daniels

Job Title
Acting Teacher
Duane Daniels has had a professional acting career on stage, TV, and film for over 30 years. He was a series regular on Veronica Mars. Duane has won the Drama-Louge Award, ACT Award, Patte Award, and the Blitz Award. He logged over 3000 performances of Triple Espresso in venues from San Diego to Dublin.

What is your favorite travel memory?

The first time I ever traveled to France was to teach for Berridge. I had done a bit of traveling but hadn’t seen this part of Europe. And then I arrived at the
Chateau le Mont Epinguet! It was a welcoming, vibrant, creative
environment, with amazing food, and a job I could believe in! I only knew a few
staff members before arriving but had made life-long friends by the time I
finished my first year.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

For me, personally, it has given me faith in the future. I came into Berridge after 3 years on a TV show and 10 years and 3000 performances of a stage show so I was tired and maybe a bit jaded. Berridge gave me the opportunity to connect with the future generation of artists and thinkers. These young people were every bit as brave, driven, and aggressively compassionate as I had been when I was starting out as a hungry young artist. It gave me faith that the creative work we do is vitally important and the next generation will carry on changing the world, making it a better place. And do it better than my generation ever did! I am so grateful to have learned that lesson.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

I’ve been teaching at Berridge for twelve years and each year 1/3 our student body returns. So there are a lot of memories of these young performers and creatives. There is one student who attended twice that comes to mind. In her first year, she seemed lost. She was extremely talented but seemed unsure about herself and unfocused. . She returned for a second summer and was completely transformed. She was humble, disciplined, and driven, and showed an amazing work ethic. Her performances had become riveting, fully professional. On the final night, she told me that she had been thinking about the lessons she had learned the first year and that the experience had marinated since she left. She told me she was so grateful and wanted to come back and do it right.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

I would love to go on Creative Semester. A whole 10 weeks in France creating, studying, collaborating, getting work experience and eating French food? Sign me up! There was really nothing like this when I was young. I would have jumped at the opportunity to combine travel with meeting creative people from all over the world and it would have really helped my confidence and career.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

Our company has a wonderful “can-do” attitude. We support the students in
such a variety of ways; through filmmaking, theatre, dance, Shakespeare,
Improv… the list goes on. One of the moments of which I was most proud:
A student wanted to attend our program but wasn’t interested in acting. She
wanted to be a costumer. So, our Director, Andrea - who has professional
experience with costuming - created a costume shop! She dedicated a
large room on the campus and brought sewing machines, mannequins,
fabric, accessories; everything one would need for a costuming major. The
student created costumes inspired by “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” and
the whole program attended her Fashion/Design showing at the end of the
program. It was an amazing example of the individual care and attention
offered to every student.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

Trust. Most of the staff at Berridge have been working as a team for over a
decade. The fact that there is virtually no turnover in staffing is a testament to
two things: Andrea’s innate ability to hire the right people, and the
satisfying, fulfilling job we are lucky enough to do in this energetic, magical
place. Another plus is the ratio of students to staff is about four to one. No
student gets lost in the shadows, every student has opportunities to shine.

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Katie Royer

Job Title
Associate Director
Katie is an actor, writer, and film producer in Los Angeles, CA. She came to Berridge Programs as a student in 2008 and returned every summer until she was hired! She is now Associate Director of Admissions, working hard to give students the amazing experience she had on Berridge.
Katie R.

What is your favorite travel memory?

I remember the first time I ate an eclair in France. It had chocolate pudding inside and I remember thinking, "this is the best thing I have ever eaten!" I thought it was particular to that bakery- but turns out all eclairs in France are made with chocolate pudding! That's the first time I really got what's so special about French food, the care with which it is made, the quality of the ingredients, and the pride they take in preparing it.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

I started at Berridge as a student and anyone who saw me as a sixteen-year-old, and now, always tells me that I have changed! Berridge offered me a connection to my art and myself that has influenced all aspects of my life- from my writing, producing, filmmaking, right back around to my work with Berridge. I definitely would not be who I am today without Berridge.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

It's hard to pick one, but one I have heard quite a lot is "it was the first place I felt like I could be myself". I feel that way about Berridge too so that means a lot to me to hear someone else say that and know that I'm a part of making that happen for someone else. I also hear a lot of stories around students feeling that Berridge transformed their confidence and how they feel about themselves. That means so much to me.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

I would love to go on the film program in Ireland! The filmmakers/staff involved are so talented, and I would love to be able to explore that medium in Cork. It's such a special, unique city and some fantastic film is coming out of Ireland at the moment. It would be such an amazing experience to make films there with Brian Dwyer, our film teacher.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

We really do care about the student's experience as an individual. I think that's something that really sets us apart. We want each student to have the experience they want to have, and we are always curious about finding out who each person is as an artist. I am proud of our team every time the students perform. Especially after the writing workshop showcases, where I can see how the teachers unlocked the inner worlds of each student, helped them find their unique voice, and now they're up there on the stage making me laugh and cry.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

Authenticity, and heart. We really believe in what we do. None of us need to be there, we could all keep on with our professional lives, but we do it, not only because we love it, but because we deeply believe that providing this sort of space for young artists is important. I also think one of our strengths is being so approachable when we are at programs. The faculty and staff live amongst the students and we become like a family during our time there. The faculty are always there to coach, rehearse or work on projects with students, they don't drift away into some staff zone where you don't see them until the next day!

Professional Associations

Gap Year Association Logo
USA Gap Year Fairs Logo