What is your favorite travel memory?
My husband and I took 2 months and traveled through the Balkans. We were able to visit some incredible countries that are often forgotten on the backpacker trail. I was amazed at how stunning Montenegro was (still my favorite bus ride). I also was surprised at what a fun city Ljubljana was -- I'd love to go back and visit again! We also visited Albania, which is a country I think many people rarely visit, and while it was a bit more chaotic than I expected, I loved how friendly and helpful everyone was while we were traveling throughout the country.
Which destination is most underrated? Conversely, which is most overrated?
I think that Romania is underrated -- it's a majestic country! I was able to explore Bran Castle ("Dracula's Castle"), spend time in a quaint city square in Brasov, and the train ride from Budapest to Romania was beautiful. We also got a recommendation from a gentleman on the train to try a restaurant, and it was incredible food!
As for overrated -- maybe Italy? I loved Italy for the food (who doesn't!) and the scenery, but when I was a backpacker on a shoestring budget, Italy got a bit more expensive than we planned.
What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?
Caring about the students! Whether you're an online student doing a self-paced course, or a student who is doing a course in a classroom, we want to hear from you throughout your experience. We are always happy to help, and we want our students to succeed in their TEFL courses so that they can start the dream of teaching abroad.
How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?
I've learned a lot about TEFL certification. When I got TEFL certified, I didn't do my research; I just found a course and enrolled. I got lucky with a good TEFL program, but now I understand that accreditation is quite intensive, depending on who accredits the company. Because Bridge also offers English language programs throughout the US, we are required to have a more rigorous accreditation process than many companies that offer only TEFL certifications. I have learned how accreditation makes our company better, and that our courses are stellar for EFL methodology -- you'll learn a lot with our TEFL certifications!
What is the best story you've heard from a return student?
I love to hear from students that they are teaching! We survey our students after they have completed a TEFL certificate, and it is exciting to hear about all of the amazing places where our graduates are teaching. We've got graduates in Ukraine, China, Thailand, Germany, Chile, and many other incredible countries! I know what it's like to teach without TEFL certification, and the difference that a course makes in teacher confidence is huge. I'm so happy that we are able to provide that training for our teachers.