Destino Idiomas. Your au pair in Spain agent.

Destino Idiomas

Why choose Destino Idiomas?

Destino Idiomas offers you to booster your Spanish while living with a family in Spain as an au pair. We look for young English native speakers, male and female - 18 to 30 y.o - truly fond of kids and willing to share their time with our welcoming families. Living with one of our families and immersing yourself in our culture will give you the opportunity not only of quickly improving your Spanish but also of living an unforgettable travel experience. We have families all over Spain and constantly receiving new requests. As an au pair you will be treated as a member of the family, receive lodge, board and weekly money in exchange for childcare and language assistance to their kids. Summer stays: 1-3 months. Rest of the year from 6 to 12 months.

We are a member of AEPA (Spanish AuPair Association) and follow their codes of conduct, offering a professional, honest and selective service to both au pair and host families.



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Yes, I recommend this program

English Tutor in Talavera, Spain

I spent around three months with a family in Talavera de la Reina, helping with their English. Ana was always a source of support. She is very accessible and accommodating. I could always count on her to settle the transition into this role and as a guide throughout the process. She actively engages online with the other au pairs/tutors to ensure we are well-connected. The time I spent in Talavera and visiting Spain was priceless. Perfect for a post-grad experience. I felt incredibly taken care of.

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Yes, I recommend this program

A great experience!

I was matched with two families that were both brilliant and really supportive for the whole trip. I worked with 3 girls under the age of 8 and it was definitely hard work but it was also so rewarding. The family also paid for my gym membership and language lessons, as well as giving me an allowance, so I was able to be independent when I wasn't looking after the children. I have stayed in touch with the families since returning to England, too, and hope to visit them next summer as well. All in all, I'd recommend Destino Idiomas to everyone and have been telling all my friends about it since I came home!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Throw yourself into it!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Au Pairing in Spain

I can highly recommend au pairing in Spain with the help of Destino Idiomas! After my three months living abroad, it genuinely feels as if I have a second family in Spain. I have made lifelong connections. Ana made the entire process easy to navigate and is a very personable and efficient communicator. I felt supported each step of the way. This is a great opportunity for anyone who is looking for an authentic language exchange and truly special experience learning about Spanish culture while contributing in a meaningful way. I also had ample time to explore and visit new cities in my free time on weekends. I would not change this experience for the world and am walking away with so much new knowledge and relationships. If you are an open-minded and adventurous individual who loves working with children, this could be a very special experience for you to have life long memories.

  • Language exchange
  • Building relationships
  • Free time to travel and explore
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Yes, I recommend this program

Málaga Experience!

I had an amazing time as an au pair in Málaga. My host family was extremely sweet, understanding, and funny as well. I even turned 21 turning my time with them and they celebrated with me by putting up decorations, getting a cake, and even got me some gifts as well! Socially, it was hard (but not impossible) to meet people my age that I could consistently hang out with, but this was not a huge deal for me. I did have some time to solo travel which I enjoyed, but I had a great time with the family each day as well. They invited me to lots of their social events, and although there was a bit of a language barrier, it was still super fun and nice to be included and experience more authentic Spanish culture.

Everything is very well laid out by Ana and her planning and preparation, she helps through every step of the process and keeps in touch during the stay. My time in Spain was short, only six weeks during my summer vacation, because that's what fit into my life plans at the time. Ana matched me perfectly with my host family that was searching for a shorter stay as well. I totally would have stayed longer if I could have!

I would not pass up the opportunity to do this experience if you are considering!

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
I ate a ton of fish straight from the bone (with the head and all), which I did not have a lot of experience with before! I love fish, so this was amazing for me. We has espetos pretty often at different chiringuitos (beach side restaurant/bar) which was so fun to try!
  • Perfect way to experience another culture
  • Improved my Spanish speaking
  • Meeting new people
  • Difficult to make friends
  • Working with children everyday can be tiring
  • Doesn't make money
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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing experience as an pair in Santiago/Sanxenxo

This was a wonderful opportunity where I learned a lot and met many great people. The family I stayed with were so kind and went above and beyond to make me comfortable. I studied child development in college and plan to work with children for my career which I feel definitely gave me the tools I needed to best support and care for the children in the family. I do wish I met more people my age, but it was a bit challenging to socialize with new people outside of the family and friends I was staying with because of the language barrier. However, I did make a few really good friends and still had so much fun! I also feel like my spanish improved a lot! Lastly, I gained good skills in being by myself and figuring things out.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
Octopus and barnacles.
  • Improved spanish
  • Comfortability in being alone and being outside of my comfort zone
  • Gained perspective
  • Worked more than I agreed to in the beginning.
  • Spent the summer away from friends and family.
  • Missed out on making as much money a I would have at my normal summer job.


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Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Ana M. Usieto

Job Title

What is your favorite travel memory?

There is a special memory for every trip I have made.

The first that comes to mind is my first trip to London when I was quite young. Coming from a medium size city in Spain, London and its diversity and multicultural flavor left a big impression on me.

I also have fond memories of my travel to Istanbul - the light, the sounds, the nature, and kind people. I love how contemporary New York and Berlin are.

Every place has its charm, and so it is the case with Spain, the wild and evergreen nature on the North, the light of the Mediterranean, its deep roots in Castille, its traditional festivities all over the country, especially in the summer…

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

I have been working in the au pair business for many years, but decided to run my own agency in 2013. It has allowed me to have more control and develop more personal work. I believe it has therefore allowed me to grow more professional.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

I could mention some, but what I always like most it is the fact that all of them agree that their initial fears or hesitations when they started their own travel experience, mainly as au pairs, fade away after the first weeks of stay and they allow themselves to open their minds.

Participants quickly realize that they can have their own opinion on countries and their people from their own first-hand experience. I also like when I see that they have grown as individuals and are able to have a positive outlook despite experiencing some of the more difficult elements of travel.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

I would choose our Au Pair in Spain program - it is a very successful one. Spanish families are really keen on taking an au pair into their homes and lives, and are willing to show them around and make them feel at home.

Whether it is a short stay in the summer from one to three months or a long stay from 6 to 12 months, Au pair in Spain allow young men and women to get to know Spain and its diversity and improve their Spanish through an affordable program that includes board, lodging and a living stipend, as well as enough free time to attend Spanish lessons, and the freedom make the most of their time abroad.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

Destino Idiomas is a small company that deals with no more than what it can manage. This way, close control and personal customer care is taken. We establish a close relationship with our host families and au pairs, keeping communication open at all times as our key to success. We do not offer false expectations and provide support all through the matching process to ensure that both parts get best possible match.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

As I mentioned above, a constant and good level of communication between all parts: the agency, families, and au pair candidates. Additionally, honesty in the service delivered and support to both our host families and au pairs are the fundamental pillars on which we construct our working method.