Destino Idiomas
Why choose Destino Idiomas?
Destino Idiomas offers you to booster your Spanish while living with a family in Spain as an au pair. We look for young English native speakers, male and female - 18 to 30 y.o - truly fond of kids and willing to share their time with our welcoming families. Living with one of our families and immersing yourself in our culture will give you the opportunity not only of quickly improving your Spanish but also of living an unforgettable travel experience. We have families all over Spain and constantly receiving new requests. As an au pair you will be treated as a member of the family, receive lodge, board and weekly money in exchange for childcare and language assistance to their kids. Summer stays: 1-3 months. Rest of the year from 6 to 12 months.
We are a member of AEPA (Spanish AuPair Association) and follow their codes of conduct, offering a professional, honest and selective service to both au pair and host families.
Staff Interviews
These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.