
Gotoco FUNDED TEFL Adventures (Bali, Thailand, Colombia, Europe, SE Asia!)

Why choose Gotoco FUNDED TEFL Adventures (Bali, Thailand, Colombia, Europe, SE Asia!)?

Interested in FUNDED/FREE and short-term TEFL adventures abroad? We provide a global immersive experience to give you TEFL,teaching experience, cultural exchange and travel opportunities that cannot be rivalled. Our projects allow you to flourish and explore, while contributing to our mission to make a positive social impact.

What you get:
- Free/funded placement service and access to support network
- Funded/funded TEFL training and certification
- Free/funded accommodation and meals during your project
- Free/funded visa and flight assistance

- Check out our Instagram @gotoco_ for highlights, key info, and competitions

Our prize-winning work has been recognised by various awards, including the prestigious China Social Impact Awards 2019, an award granted through the United Nations and British Chamber of Commerce in China.

Gotoco is a social enterprise focused on boosting cultural exchange and international adventure. Gotoco works with over 40 programmes in 10 countries. Join us!



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Yes, I recommend this program

Best thing about my experience

I thought the experience was very generous and well organised. I enjoyed my time with both of my host families, they were extremely kind and always wanted to do activities together and they really helped me adjust into their lifestyle. Both camps were wonderful and the children I taught were really keen to learn English, which was positive for me. The children were always so happy and made it really worth it coming to camp everyday. The end of programme trip in Venice was also very well organised and we were given lots of tips and advice on the best sights to see in Venice, and it was a relaxing way to end the trip.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
The most nerve-wracking moment of the programme was meeting my host families for the first time. It is something I’ve never done before and an unusual experience to live with people you don’t know. However, I quickly adjusted to their lifestyle and they provided me with a really positive experience for my first time in Italy.
  • The funding I received from my university really helped with the cost of the programme
  • The host families
  • The experience to travel around Italy
  • Some of the camps were really far away from the orientation so be prepared to travel a lot on trains
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Yes, I recommend this program

Vietnam Catalyst for Change

It was a really eye opening and brilliant experience which taught me a lot about myself whilst also gaining a highly valued qualification which I hope to use in the future. Being included in a completely different culture to what I am used to was such an eye opening experience. I soon began to realise it wasn't the big trips or adventures that made the most impact to me but instead being surrounded by locals and learning how they navigate life. This is something I know few get to experience so I am very grateful for this real version of Vietnam I experienced.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Th Best Thing I have ever been a part of !

The programme was incredible it was the closest i’ve ever been to being apart of another community. The school was incredible and I felt so welcome in everything. The teaching was so rewarding and the whole programme was incredible and I will never forget it. The students were so fun and loving and it was incredible to see their development day by day. It made me so happy making their day. The programme was an amazing opportunity to see parts of the world I’ve never seen and take part in an incredible immersive experience.

What was your funniest moment?
Singing Dancing Queen at a Thai House Warming.
  • Friendly people
  • Constantly learning
  • rewarding lessons
  • rural area can sometimes be isolating
  • some people come in pairs
  • not too much structure for the academia
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Yes, I recommend this program

One of the best experiences of my life!

I had an incredible time teaching in rural Thailand earlier this year. The opportunity to learn about a new culture via immersion into their community was amazing and the generosity of our hosts was so kind. The teaching was very fulfilling and there was a great support network via the other teachers and the coordinators if you had any day to day problems. The development of more general public speaking, communication, problem solving and team work skills was a great addition. I would reccomend to anybody willing to throw themselves into a new environment and fancies a challenge - you will not regret it!

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
Either chicken feet, scorpion, snake or meal worm....
  • Made great friends both from the UK and from Thailand.
  • Learnt so much about local Thai culture.
  • Funding makes it incredibly accessible to anyone!
  • TESOL course was a bit unorganised/could have been taught better.
  • We were very rural so it was hard to see the rest of Thailand during weekends.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Experience with Gotoco on Short-term programme in Vietnam.

This programme offers the chance to step out of your comfort zone, work on self-development, learn new things and meet new people all whilst experiencing a different culture. It also provides all of this with a background support network in the form of locally based coordinators that allows you to be independent and figure things out on your own but are there to offer peace of mind.
The opportunity to live and work in a community as well offers a much better experience than just travelling through, you get to experience the culture and local customs so much better and make local friends. I stayed with a host family and it was such a lovely experience.
Teaching in the local schools could be challenging and was definitely difficult at first but after a while you get used to it and I ended up really enjoying it and having fun. The programme also offers the chance to work towards a TEFL qualification alongside.

What was your funniest moment?
Standing in a tiny paddling pool with as many pre-schoolers that could be crammed in as possible in one go, getting absolutely soaked and not really understanding what was happening!
  • Accessibility of programme
  • Local support from hosts and coordinators in Vietnam
  • Pre- and post- programme trips with the whole group
  • Long waiting times during application process
  • Sometimes TEFL didn't feel relevant to actual teaching experience


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Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Molly Hardy

Molly is from South Wales, she quit her job as a bar manager to take up the offer of a TESOL programme with GoToCo in Thailand and absolutely loved it.
Molly Hardy


Why did you choose this program?

The fact that we could travel, teach and gain a worthwhile qualification all at the same time, really spoke to me. I love to travel, experience new cultures and meet new people and I’d never been to Thailand. As a solo traveller on this adventure, Thailand was the best place for me to find my feet and give me the confidence to grow. I have GoToCo to thank for that.

What did your program provider (or university) assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

We were advised what dates to book our flights best for our programme start, we had to book the flights ourselves; but the assistance was there. GoToCo were a great help with our visas too. That was a long process because we weren’t aware of the new paperwork they wanted for our visa but GoToCo were super helpful and made sure we had all relevant documents. All our transport was sorted and at first we really didn’t need to think about anything.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

For me, personally, I wish I had packed lighter. You actually don’t need all the things that you think you might need and there’s so many cool things to buy out here that you don’t want to have no room to be able to take stuff home. So yeah, really think about what your packing, I know it may be a favourite thing but do you really need all those pairs of sandals?

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

When we were placed at our school, we were fortunate enough to have accommodation right by the school which meant we didn’t need to get up super early but the school day started at 7:45 and ended at 3:45. Some days would be full of teaching but some you may only have two lessons, so they were more chilled. When the school day ended we would normally go back to our rooms, chill out and then meet for dinner in the evening. It was pretty chilled.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

My biggest fear?

I guess not knowing where I was going to be placed for my teaching and where I would be living for 6 weeks was a bit mad. But in actual matter of fact when I got here, I was kind of in the mindset of what will be will be. Like just take everything in your stride, there’s not a lot than can be changed now. So just be grateful
Write and answer your own question.

How did you find living in a different culture?

Honestly, I loved it, I’m a pretty laid back person anyway and this trip just solidified it, you just have to accept things as they are. After all it’s a completely different culture to what you’re used to, you’re not here to change the culture and you must remember that, you’re here to embrace it. Once you’re in that mindset you’ll have the best time.