
H.E.L.P. Malawi

Why choose H.E.L.P. Malawi?

Want to use your teaching skills in rural Malawi? H.E.L.P. Malawi ( Hope, Education, Love & Protection) needs great, enthusiastic qualified teachers in English, CELTA/TEFL teachers or teacher trainees for their long and short term volunteer programs.

Established in 2006, H.E.L.P’s mission is to develop the pathway for children living in rural regions of Africa to become integral members and leaders in society through quality education. H.E.L.P. is committed to cultivating the academic potential of each child through a comprehensive range of opportunities in primary school to prepare students for the next level of education, and to support those efforts through secondary school scholarships.

Those interested should in the first instance take a look at our website. Volunteers are not required to pay any fee to H.E.L.P. Malawi, only to fund their own trip.



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