MCO Internships

MCO Internships

This organization has been expired and its programs are no longer offered.

Why choose MCO Internships?

Invest in your future and stand out to future employers

MCO is an international career development platform, helping students and young professionals kick start their careers in Asia. We facilitate internship programs with the purpose of guiding students to gain cultural agility and hands-on experience. Through our placement process, we get to know students on a one-to-one level and connect them with internships based on their goals, interests, and expectations.



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Clinical Experience in Cambodia

This past summer, I spent three months in Phnom Penh. I learned an overwhelming amount about Cambodian culture, politics, and society. While living in the city, I immersed myself in daily life including shopping at the markets in my neighborhood, trying different foods, and exploring art and landmarks such as Wat Phnom. Through my time here, I gained a greater sense of independence and a broader sense of the global climate.

MCO paired me with an internship at a clinic in Phnom Penh where I learned about clinical healthcare, neglected tropical diseases, and the Cambodian healthcare system. I also met with partners within the city to complete a status report on antibiotic resistance in Cambodia and to create an educational pamphlet about the topic.

I was very satisfied with the living arrangements MCO found for me - my apartment had all basic amenities and was a very comfortable. After getting over the heat and humidity, I found it very easy to acclimate to the environment and would love to go back!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Take advantage of your weekends to travel! It's easy to get around Southeast Asia from Phnom Penh and bus tickets or flights are often quite cheap. Getting out of the city and seeing the more rural provinces of Cambodia is so important to understanding the country you are living in.
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I spent three months living and working in Phnom Penh, it was the most challenging, yet amazing, fun, eye-opening experience of my life. Miranda provides excellent support in finding a placement and the application process for that placement too, including interview tips, reading over your CV and cover letter etc. that support continues once you reach Cambodia. Laura was amazing in helping to show us around, how to communicate with the locals, even showing you how to get to work. The travel advice she provides is also great. If you have any questions or need any help throughout your time, they are both super accommodating. I fully enjoyed my work experience, as well as the opportunity to travel around Cambodia and Vietnam during my time there. Going abroad also opens you up to meeting some amazing friends for life who I am still close with today.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Normal bug spray and bite cream available in the UK is not strong enough for Cambodian mosquitoes. I recommend buying the extra strong stuff once you arrive, it is cheaper and so much more effective. Also, pack way less than you expect to need, there are so many markets in Cambodia and items are much cheaper.
Yes, I recommend this program


Having been to Thailand and Vietnam, I knew I wanted to go back to SE Asia soon. So when this opportunity came, I jumped on it. After interviewing with a few places, I decided on where I wanted to work and Miranda helped to coordinate things so everything would be good to go when I touched down.

Cambodia is very unique country with kind people and a long history. I wanted to experience something that differed greatly from the US and that’s just what I got! Traveling was manageable and I was able to utilize time off and weekends to see a bit of SE Asia.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Be easy going and flexible! It will make your experience much more enjoyable and you’ll get much more out of it by going with the flow.
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Cambodia: The Opportunity of a Lifetime

Prior to landing in Phnom Penh, I had no idea what to expect in terms of how my life would unfold professionally, personally and academically over the span of 6 long months. As I am inching towards the completion of the program, saying “yes” to this experience - essentially the unknown - has proven itself as one of the most worthwhile opportunities I’ve taken in my life thus far (and I don’t say that lightly). From the initial interview to settling into the workplace, I’ve been supported by the program coordinator and felt comfortable with reaching out anytime. Living and working in Cambodia during my first long-haul trip overseas has taught me crucial lessons in many aspects including independence, advocating for oneself in the workspace, as well as what it truly means to overcome challenges. Not only have I gained immense clarity in regards to what I need to thrive in building a career in journalism, but I’ve made connections that will last a lifetime! The culture, food, people and history of Cambodia was exciting to explore in both professional and personal outlets and I couldn’t have felt more welcome. Overall, the experience was well worth it, and if you have the chance to, take the leap of faith. You just may be surprised by what lies on the other side.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Don’t compare your journey to anyone else’s. The adjustment period can take as short as a few weeks for some, while others a few months. It’s all about balance and there is no need to pressure yourself. Also, be open and take advantage of serendipity and those little opportunities that arise (there will be many)!
Read my full story
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Trying New Things in New Places

When an opportunity to travel and work in another country presents itself, take it if you can! Moving to Cambodia with minimal prior knowledge could not have gone smoother. I made new friends, tried new foods and seen so many cool things! Along side adventuring around a new country, I’m also interning for a marketing consulting agency. I’ve learned a lot about myself and what I want from my workplace. I’ve successfully dealt with conflict in the workplace, took on event planning with my team to plan cambodia’s biggest food festival, assisted with content creation for offline and online communications, and I’m growing more every day just by going out and interacting with new people. I’m also learning that your experience is what you make of it, so work hard and live it up!

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
My roommate and I had some days off from work so we decided to take a mini trip to Siem Reap. We visited the night market and I ate part of a tarantula’s leg!! Shockingly, it tasted good. But I was far too scared to eat an entire spider, in my defense they were HUGE and I’ve never eaten a spider before. I also ate a water snake, or rather attempted to. It’s all bones and so hard to eat, i’d reccomend the tarantula over the snake.


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Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Why did you choose this program?

Having the intention to grow as a professional through international work experience and byways an opportunity extended through my university, I was able to accomplish all that I had originally set out to do and more within the landscape of Cambodia thanks to MCO. The company’s transparency and consideration of my professional goals also played a role in me saying my final yes to the program.

It’s not often when a chance to embark on an experience like this shows up and it was one that has proven itself to be a worthwhile investment.

What did your program provider (or university) assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

Throughout the pre-departure process, I was assisted in gathering and filling out proper pre-placement and emergency contact forms, a brief orientation on living and working overseas, and other tips regarding how to make the most out of the experience living overseas. Airport pickup, living accommodations for the full six months, as well as the internship placement (and having my credentials sent off to employers prior to an interview) were all included in the program’s package.

Assistance did not include the purchase of round trip tickets, visa application fees, pre-departure immunizations and medications, as well as various other travel-related and personal expenses acquired for the trip.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

One of the biggest things I would implore the individual embarking on this experience would be to learn as much of the language as you can.

Although English is widely spoken and despite the fact that I was able to get by on a few greetings and common phrases when situations called for it, not taking more time to pick up on as much of the language is one of my biggest regrets. The city offers quite a few free language exchange classes and meet-ups where you can brush up on your skills and share your own with both the local and ex-pat community. If consistent, getting a grasp on the basic conversation is fairly easy to do and will add another enriching layer to your experience!

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

The average workweek is very comparable to life back home and spanned the standard Monday through Friday, 9 to 5 routine. Luckily, the company that I worked for allowed the flexibility to work remotely two days out of the week in which coffee shops and other coworking spaces were frequented. Once the bustle of the day was completed, I was free to enjoy exploring the city’s thriving food scene, taking walks on the Riverside, or hitting up one of the many colorful markets for some retail therapy.

With Cambodia being in such close proximity to places such as Vietnam, Thailand and various other beautiful Southeast Asian countries, the weekends become the perfect playground for a weekend getaway filled with some extra R&R and adventure!

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

Prior to landing, one of my biggest apprehensions was how I would be able to adjust. Traveling solo as an African-American woman, I wasn't quite sure what the atmosphere would be and I couldn't find much information covering the matter while doing research online beforehand.
After living there for some time, there will always be teachable moments. Overall, however, I have been invited into a warm and welcoming community, whether sharing a laugh with a tuk-tuk driver or befriending a new neighbor.

I can't stress enough for any person that is hesitant to embark on this program or one similar must embrace those uncomfortable moments as a stimulus for growth and dive in fully. As long as mutual respect is involved, you'd be surprised at just what connections can be formed, language barriers and all.

Is there any other advice for prospective travelers?

Budgeting will become your new best friend, especially being that cash is the most common form of payment for this location. The fairly affordable prices for food, market shopping, entertainment, and travel can easily add up if you’re not paying attention.

Although it more than likely won't be a problem, commit to a habit of setting aside a stash within a budget that will enable you to enjoy the fullest experience possible.

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Miranda Mullett

Miranda Mullett, is the Director of International Recruitment and Co-Founder of My China Opportunity (MCO). She enjoys learning about the dreams and aspirations of students and helps make that possible for students who intern in MCO's internship program. Miranda is very found of design and creativity. She plans someday to help reduce pollution in China by recycling waste materials in China's manufacturing system and transforming them into fashionable products.

What position do you hold at My China Opportunity? What has been your career path so far?

At My China Opportunity (MCO), I'm the Director of International Recruitment and Co-Founder. I've been working at MCO since the office in Beijing opened in 2011.

During my time at MCO, I've shaped how the organization runs, influenced our program's culture, and developed many of the relationships with the host companies that we work with today. All around, you can say that I've successfully transformed MCO from a young start-up to a full fledged boutique internship program.

What does the future hold for My China Opportunity - any exciting new programs to share?

In China, we have noticed that there has been demand for interns in creative based sectors or positions. Instead of conforming to a generic internship placement program, we have decided to develop MCO in a non-traditional way. Going niche, we decided to open the Creative Based Internship Program. When we say creative based, we don't just mean design, but more in the aspect of people who can “think outside the box” and truly be utilized in the position that they are placed in.

We have found that when interns gain a better internship experience and the host companies actually utilize interns for the skills, academic background and interests, we get better feedback from both parties. Outside from our internship placements, we have decided to include guest speaking events from industry specialists, design related activities, and a memorable camping experience on the wild part of the Great Wall.

What about the future of the industry? How do you think study abroad and international education will change over the next 10 years?

There is no doubt that international education will only become more important in the 21st century. As globalization continues and countries become more intertwined, the importance of culture exchange will be a necessity for students. Already I'm seeing many top performing universities globally, encouraging or requiring students to go abroad before they graduate. This is because a changing economic climate is making it difficult for western students to remain competitive in the job market.

Many Fortune 500 companies are looking to hire new graduates that have some sort of international study abroad or internship experience outside their home country. As the world becomes more equal, competition becomes more fierce. That being said, international education will be ever more important as we move forward this century.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

The best story that I've ever heard was from our intern, Ryan Huerter, from Western Washington University. He joined our program in the Summer of 2012. This was Ryan's first time out of North America and his first time in an Asian country. Before he arrived in China, he had pre-conceived ideas that China had lots of people riding bicycles and wearing communist suits.

When he landed, I picked him up at the airport and he couldn't believe how many Bentleys, Mercedes and BMWs there were on the road.

He also couldn't believe how modern Beijing looked as we drove from the airport to his new apartment. After Ryan returned home, he was extremely happy with his decision to come to Beijing for an internship.

He had told us that he learned so much about himself and what he liked doing for work. Now, Ryan works at a Fortune 500 company and manages the Boeing account for his company. He travels frequently to Asia for work and still keeps in touch with My China Opportunity.