Quest Exchange
Why choose Quest Exchange?
Quest Exchange helps high school students expand their worldview through the adventure of study abroad. As a nonprofit, we are able to make international study possible for more students, with affordable prices and various program lengths from a few weeks to an academic year. We have solid partnerships with trusted receiving organizations, where students are paired with supportive host families and local schools. All of our professional staff members have studied abroad, learned new languages and are passionate about bringing the same opportunity to adventurous, independent and mature high school students.
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Alumni Interviews
These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.
Staff Interviews
These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.
Response from Quest Exchange
You're right Jonas that practicing with locals and taking it easy on yourself are key to improving your foreign language. And yes, you may have to adjust to higher volumes while abroad!
We agree that the visa process for Spain is not the most straightforward; we found it difficult to contact the consulate about booking appointments since they outsource their customer service to a different company. Now we are recommending that students secure appointments even before receiving placement information, to avoid any potential backlog.
Thanks for your insight and advice for future students!