Little did I know that back in 1997, the year that I was born, a legacy would begin as my cousin attended Salzburg College. Flash forward 20 years and I am making the decision to study abroad. After researching program opportunities in various countries I chose Salzburg College the heart of Europe. Not only could I travel to various cities by train in two hours such as Munich, Vienna, and Innsbrook, but I would also call Salzburg, the beautiful city with a river nestled between the mountains, home. Once I arrived, I knew why my cousin had decided to attend here so many years ago. I understood his recommendation when he said “the only way you'll understand how great Salzburg is, is if you go.” A semester of living and learning abroad is filled with so many experiences it can be difficult to pinpoint just one. I remember looking through reviews and pictures trying to fully grasp what the experience of studying abroad would be like before I went. Although I gathered plenty of information before leaving, it still didn't paint a clear picture of what exactly I was getting into only that it would be a time of my life that I would never regret and would be oh so good! You can't always prepare yourself for life. Sometimes you just have to jump in! I learned that through my semester. I made the trip "across the pond" with an open mind and readiness to experience different cultures and ways of life. I met people from America, Malaysia, and Germany, that will forever be in my life and have impacted it for the better. I cannot express how important it is to have an open mind and be understanding of others and to be willing to learn more about yourself. I came back from my semester in Salzburg with another semester of college completed, a certificate in international studies, and lifelong friends from all over the world. To try and categorize all of my experiences doesn't do any program overseas justice, especially my Salzburg College experience. I came back home with a broadened worldview and more understanding of how the world works. Not only did my experience leave me wanting to go back but also with an understanding of how we can always learn and grow whether that be on a team, by ourselves, or with other people we struggle to communicate with due to language barriers. Grab your passport and prepare for the stamps to fill the pages and the people and places to fill your heart and memories.