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Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville

Why choose Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville?

The word “Yoga” means union or yoke in the ancient Sanskrit language. It is a perfect description of the science and philosophy of Integral Yoga. Integral Yoga® synthesizes the various branches of Yoga into a comprehensive life style system. 
The aim is to promote harmonious development of every aspect of the individual. The six branches of Integral Yoga® are each powerful tools to gain self-mastery. When combined to effect the whole being the results are at once subtle, profound and measurable.


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Yes, I recommend this program

I'm coming back soon!

The Living Yoga Training program at Yogaville was an incredibly impactful experience for me. Before coming to Yogaville, I had very little understanding of yoga or meditation. All I knew was that I was attracted to it in a way I couldn't explain away, so I followed my gut and showed up for a month unsure what to expect. I kind of look at Yogaville now as my Hogwarts. It's magic there. Yoga, meditation, service, friendships, beautiful blue mountain surroundings and incredibly healthy food and diet . . . it's a retreat, a self improvement program, and an incredibly inspirational spiritual step (if not the whole ladder). I learned so much at Yogaville and am happy to say that the Hatha Yoga and meditation taught there improved my life. Will definitely be coming back.

What would you improve about this program?
I think that this program has everything it needs. Keep it up. Bring more people in to discover the beautiful community and sacred space that is Yogaville.


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