Is there time for students to go in groups to a cafe, an arcade, or any other place?
Posted by xa ft 3 years 8 months ago
Yes! There is definitely time for this. Depending on my class time (you can have morning, afternoon, or evening class depending on the schedule that week) I would spend time with friends either before or after class. We would often go out to eat lunch or on other personal excursions that were unaffiliated with the school. For example, I went to some art museums, visited an arcade and manga store, went on a hike, strolled around the city to view the night life, etc. You also aren't obligated to eat dinner (or breakfast) with your host family every single day, so I sometimes got dinner with friends and just made sure to let my host family know beforehand. There really is a lot of flexibility with your schedule when you aren't in classes (which last for about 4 hours on week days) and on weekends, so you'll definitely have lots of time to do some of your own sightseeing and spend time with the friends you make! My host family was also amazing and took me to onsen, a shrine, and a local history museum, so there are opportunities to do things with them too. In addition, the language school has trips you can go on, so I went with them to Shikanoshima (an island near Fukuoka, where I was staying) where we spent time on the beach, ate a big meal at the hotel, and went to the hotel's onsen.
Yes! There is definitely time for this. Depending on my class time (you can have morning, afternoon, or evening class depending on the schedule that week) I would spend time with friends either before or after class. We would often go out to eat lunch or on other personal excursions that were unaffiliated with the school. For example, I went to some art museums, visited an arcade and manga store, went on a hike, strolled around the city to view the night life, etc. You also aren't obligated to eat dinner (or breakfast) with your host family every single day, so I sometimes got dinner with friends and just made sure to let my host family know beforehand. There really is a lot of flexibility with your schedule when you aren't in classes (which last for about 4 hours on week days) and on weekends, so you'll definitely have lots of time to do some of your own sightseeing and spend time with the friends you make! My host family was also amazing and took me to onsen, a shrine, and a local history museum, so there are opportunities to do things with them too. In addition, the language school has trips you can go on, so I went with them to Shikanoshima (an island near Fukuoka, where I was staying) where we spent time on the beach, ate a big meal at the hotel, and went to the hotel's onsen.